A.M.P Marae visit


Tuesday  8th of November 2022 we went to Roma Marae for a school trip with rooms 3,4,5 and kapa haka. We got on the bus and went to Roma Marae. When we got there they called us in and our kaikaranga responded, we were at the back because we let the ladies in front because ladies are at the front and gentlemen are at the back because it was ranning and we were 

in a little tunnel  


When we walked into the marae we got to sit on chairs or the floor. Matua daren did ahipara a mihi and matteo did one

Aswell. Matteo’s dad backed him up with another mihi, as the kaumatua. Then an elderly nice lady there who basically knew all of our grandparents, she asked us to say our pepehas but nobody wanted to say their pepeha but mana and some parents did their pepeha. So she just said their parents and their nanas and papa and your surname.


We walked over to the other side of the marae to eat some kai that was prepared for us visitors. Slade lead the karakia and we ate some oranges cupcakes cake and more after that we went back to the marae and the lady told us some stories about NZ it was cool. She also told us about the wakas. After that we walked back to school and stopped at the carvings there were made for our leader poroa and tinana our school waka leader then we walked back to the school—-the end.

Ka pai kia

Thursday 20th October our teacher aids nease whaea Dani came to talk to us about heathy kai and whats in our everyday foods. Whaea Dani brang a big board that had the sugar of muslie bars fruit loies and some drinks, turns out that most of the everyday foods have 2 table spones of sugar and she told us to atleast have 2 vegables and 2 fruit per day. she also told us that if we keep our body in healthy cindish and be fit.

Ag Day

Wednesday 28 we had Ag day a day when we bring in pets, and walk them around the court, your pet may get a prize if the judges think your pet was one of the best, my favorite was this big rock wheeler. We made some stuff like habitats, animals, poems, art, and more, that’s what was judged I got first place for my animal face drawing, which was a gorilla. We got to do some other stuff like playing a range of games like wheel Barro rolling gumboot throwing and we played capture the flag with polo, we won 6-2 points against the other team.

My favorite part was playing capture the flag.


So today I made 2 slides about Ahiparapara events, I did the pohutukawa tree that was cut down and the new local gateway. They were two fun tasks to learn about and I know a lot about the ahiparapara events.


Today at sport with Matua Wiremu, Whaea Amy and Whaea Ange (my mum) we played all kinds of different games like, tug-o-war, taiaha, tai kaha, tewha tewha and te rakau.  All of the equipment for the games, were made out of natural materials and some of them had carvings like a tiki.               My favorite game was tug-o-war.

Informational Reading slides

So I’m showing you my slide decks that I’ve been working on with my friends for the whole term two.

The slide deck above was pretty challenging but we pushed through and finished every slide, On the Anzac slide there are 50 slide decks, but they don’t all have work on them they might have reading or other stuff.


This other slide deck is finding Goerge, One of the first slides we started in term 2, This slide deck has 30 slides and was one of the first finished out of 6 slides. It was pretty challenging at first but finished it in about 5 weeks.


So this slide, Building in the future was added part way through the middle of term 2 it has 22 slides. It was actually really easy and finished in about 2 weeks.

So I would say I liked doing the reading slide deak, but hopefully in term three there isn’t like 50 slides next time.

Matariki poems

Image result for Maia (star)

So I made up 4 poems to celebrate Matariki known as the Maori new year. When I made my first poem I decided I wanted to make up 3 more. I struggeled a bit but then I finshed them. I’m really happy with how they turned out.


If stars were dark

 If stars were dark there will be no light

 The bright light of my world was now giving

 me a fright.


If stars were ice    

If stars were ice clear as glass melting 

all-day and resting in the dark.


If stars were fire

If stars were fire the world would burn 

where is the dark how the tables have turned


If stars were water

If stars were water it might be true,

 God might be sad or angry at you

The poems were kind of easy, but I stuggeled a little bit. But at the end I liked my poems.


This week I performed my speech in front of my class, I did it about does money buy happiness.

In my speech, I talk about, what money does, the benefits of money, and what happens when you run out of money.

I learned that speaking in front of the class is not as scary as I thought, probably because there were only 8 people.

I could improve by adding more info and eye contact.

About me

Kia Ora, my name is Matteo. I am a student at Ahipara School. I’m in Room 5 and my kaiako is Whaea Ange. My favourite sport is basketball. My favourite video game is Fortnite. My favourite food is pizza.

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